Who Are We

Although Group records show that Crown troop goes back to mid-1916, there are few surviving photographs of that era in the troop’s early life.

We were therefore surprised and delighted when a small selection of photos dating from early 1921 turned up in 2002! During July 1971, a selection of early photos was put away safely in a drawer in nearby Crown church, only to be forgotten for over 31 years. The photos were discovered during a clear-out during 2002, and were duly returned to their rightful home – Crown Scout Group.

We are pleased to be able to share these photos with visitors to our website, and also to be able to show those who were involved with Crown in past decades that we are still going strong! Each photo has a brief description written in pencil on their reverse, aiding their dating and location.

Unloading at Gollanfield (Kildrummie). Early July 1922.

No. 3 (Crown) Troop at Ardersier. Combined camp 1921. Note: Fortrose Sea Scouts also attached to No. 3 for training, recreation and rations. (Scout Master 5th from left).

AA Milne play. 1921. [Most probably staged in Crown Church, Inverness].

No. 3 camp near Gollanfield (Kildrummie). Early July 1922.